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He texted me and said: ‘I think I missed the cue to kiss you’.
He did. We did. We both wanted to but missed the moment.

We both agreed that the kiss would naturally follow the next time we saw each other.

In our eagerness we began to contemplate recreating the moment that exact same night.
But it would feel forced, not like a natural evolution of a great date.

It made me think of the many times in our lives were we miss cues. Sometimes we notices the missed cues right away and try to franticly force a new moment for it to happen. Our mind goes in overdrive and we try to overexplain and take a deep look into the why it didn’t happen.

Instead of pondering the idea that often missed cues open doors for new and better moments. Life has a funny way of letting you end up exactly where you should.

Sometimes, most times, you don’t even realise you closed the door of a certain opportunity or life shift since a better one is already knocking at your door.

I have spent my whole life gripping onto making things happen, to working hard, to doing my best, to not miss opportunities and cues, … As a result I lost my ability to go with the flow.

Lately I have come to realise that the harder you grip onto certain ideas of how your life or situations have to plan out, the harder you stray away from your truest self, your path and ability to let yourself be seen and loved.

Going with the flow doesn’t mean you don’t care, it means that you are willing to ride the waves and know that your boat will be steady. It’s being okay with being human and messing up. It’s missing cues and letting new ones arise without force. It’s knowing that you are unfinished and have a lifetime to figure things out. It’s shaping and adapting your path with ease and unwavering faith because you know that in the end what’s meant for you doesn’t pass you by.

Yes, we missed the cue that night but made up for it all the dates that followed after.  

Anne Colette

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